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Urutan perkembangan kereta api (2)
Abad ke-19
- 1802 The Carmarthenshire Tramroad , later the Llanelly and Mynydd Mawr Railway , located in south west Wales , was established by Act of Parliament . 1802 The Carmarthenshire rel trem, kemudian Mynydd Mawr Llanelly dan Kereta Api, yang terletak di barat selatan Wales, didirikan oleh Undang-undang Parlemen.
- 1803 The first public railway, the Surrey Iron Railway opens in south London. [ 12 ] 1803 kereta api umum pertama, yang Surrey Besi Kereta Api terbuka di selatan London. [12]
- 1804 First steam locomotive railway - Penydarren - built by Richard Trevithick , used to haul iron from Merthyr Tydfil to Abercynon, Wales . 1804 Pertama uap lokomotif kereta api - Penydarren - dibangun oleh Richard Trevithick, yang digunakan untuk mengangkut besi dari Merthyr Tydfil ke Abercynon, Wales.
- 1807 First fare-paying, passenger railway service in the world was established on the Oystermouth Railway in Swansea , Wales . 1807 Pertama-membayar ongkos, penumpang jasa kereta api di dunia didirikan di Oystermouth Kereta Api di Swansea, Wales. Later this became known as the Swansea and Mumbles Railway although the railway was more affectionately known as "The Mumbles Train" ( Welsh : Tren Bach I'r Mwmbwls ). Belakangan ini dikenal sebagai Swansea dan menggumamkan Kereta Api walaupun kereta api lebih yang dikenal sebagai "The gumam Train" (Welsh: Tren Bach I'r Mwmbwls). The railway survived using various forms of traction until 1960. Selamat kereta api dengan menggunakan berbagai bentuk daya tarikan sampai 1960.
- 1808 The Kilmarnock and Troon Railway was the first railway in Scotland authorised by Act of Parliament and the first in Scotland to use a steam locomotive . 1808 The Kilmarnock dan Troon Kereta Api kereta api pertama di Skotlandia wewenang oleh Undang-undang Parlemen dan yang pertama di Skotlandia untuk menggunakan lokomotif uap.
- 1808 Richard Trevithick sets up a circular steam railway (didn't go anywhere) for the public to experience for 1 shilling each. 1808 Richard Trevithick set naik kereta api uap yang melingkar (tidak pergi ke mana pun) bagi publik untuk pengalaman selama 1 shilling masing-masing.
- 1812 First commercial use of steam locomotives on the Middleton Railway , Leeds Komersial Pertama 1812 penggunaan lokomotif uap pada Middleton Kereta Api, Leeds
- 1814 George Stephenson constructs his first locomotive , Blücher . 1814 George Stephenson konstruksi pertamanya lokomotif, Blucher.
- 1825 Stephenson's Stockton and Darlington Railway , the first publicly subscribed, adhesion worked railway using steam locomotives, carrying freight from a Colliery to a river port (Passengers were conveyed by horse-drawn carriages). Stephenson 1825 Darlington Stockton dan Kereta Api, publik pertama langganan, adhesi bekerja kereta api dengan menggunakan lokomotif uap, membawa barang dari Colliery ke pelabuhan sungai (Penumpang yang disampaikan oleh kereta yang ditarik kuda).
- 1827 September 7 - Oldest railway in continental Europe opens between České Budějovice and Leopoldschlag, (horse-drawn carriages) later extended to Kerschbaum and Linz. 1827 September 7 - Terlama kereta api di benua Eropa membuka antara České Budějovice dan Leopoldschlag, (kereta kuda) kemudian diperluas ke Kerschbaum dan Linz.
- 1828 July 4 the Baltimore and Ohio (B&O) begins construction of a track; the Charleston & Savannah commenced construction a few months later. 1828 Juli 4 Baltimore dan Ohio (B & O) mulai konstruksi sebuah lagu; Charleston & Savannah konstruksi dimulai beberapa bulan kemudian.
- 1828 October, first french railway between Saint-Etienne and Andrézieux (horse-drawn carriage). 1828 Oktober, perancis pertama kereta api antara Saint-Etienne dan Andrézieux (kereta kuda).
- 1829 George and Robert Stephenson 's locomotive, The Rocket , sets a speed record of 47 km/h (29 mph) at the Rainhill Trials held near Liverpool . 1829 George dan Robert Stephenson 's lokomotif, The Rocket, menetapkan catatan kecepatan 47 km / h (29 mph) di Rainhill Ujian diadakan di dekat Liverpool.
- 1830 The Canterbury and Whitstable Railway opens in Kent , England on the 3 May, Engineered by George Stephenson , 3 months before the Liverpool and Manchester Railway . 1830 The Canterbury dan Kereta Api Whitstable terbuka di Kent, Inggris pada 3 Mei, Engineered oleh George Stephenson, 3 bulan sebelum Liverpool dan Manchester Kereta Api. A 5¾ mile line running from Canterbury to the small port and fishing town of Whitstable , approx. A 5 ¾ mil garis lari dari Canterbury ke pelabuhan kecil dan kota nelayan Whitstable, approx. 55 miles east of London. 55 mil sebelah timur London. Traction was provided by three Stationary Winding Engines, and "INVICTA"; Invicta was an 0-4-0 Loco, built by the Stevenson company, but only operated on a level section of track owing to the fact she produced a meagre 9 hp. Traksi diberikan oleh tiga Stationary Mesin Winding, dan "Invicta"; Invicta Loco adalah 0-4-0, dibangun oleh perusahaan Stevenson, tetapi hanya dioperasikan pada bagian tingkat melacak karena fakta bahwa dia menghasilkan 9 kurus hp.
- 1830 opens with 23 miles of track in the United States with mostly hardwood rail topped with iron. 1830 dibuka dengan 23 mil dari lagu di Amerika Serikat dengan sebagian besar kayu beratap rel dengan besi. Over 100 railroads are incorporated in New York alone. Lebih dari 100 kereta api yang dimasukkan di New York saja. The Tom Thumb (locomotive) was designed and built by Peter Cooper for the B&O—the first American-built steam locomotive. The Tom Thumb (lokomotif) yang dirancang dan dibangun oleh Peter Cooper untuk B & O-Amerika pertama membangun lokomotif uap.
- 1830 The Liverpool and Manchester Railway opens, and the first steam passenger service, primarily locomotive hauled, is started. 1830 The Liverpool dan Manchester Kereta Api akan terbuka, dan uap pertama layanan penumpang, terutama lokomotif menarik, dimulai. The line proves the viability of rail transport, and large scale railway construction begins in Britain, and then spreads throughout the world. Garis membuktikan kelangsungan hidup transportasi kereta api, dan pembangunan rel skala besar dimulai di Britania, dan kemudian menyebar ke seluruh dunia. The Railway age begins. Usia Kereta Api dimulai.
- 1831 First Passenger Season tickets issued on the Canterbury and Whitstable Railway . Penumpang Pertama Season 1831 tiket yang dikeluarkan di Canterbury dan Whitstable Kereta Api.
- 1832 railway switch patented by Charles Fox 1832 kereta api beralih dipatenkan oleh Charles Fox
- 1834 Bavarian Ludwigsbahn , the first German railway line connects Nuremberg and Fürth . 1834 Bavaria Ludwigsbahn, yang pertama menghubungkan jalur kereta api Jerman Nuremberg dan Fürth.
- 1834 Ireland's first railway, the Dublin and Kingstown Railway (D&KR) opens between Dublin and Kingstown (now Dún Laoghaire), a distance of six miles. Irlandia 1834 kereta api pertama, si Dublin dan Kingstown Kereta Api (D & KR) akan membuka antara Dublin dan Kingstown (sekarang Dun Laoghaire), yang berjarak enam kilometer.
- 1835 In Belgium a railway was opened on May 5 between Brussels and Mechelen . 1835 Dalam Belgia kereta api dibuka pada 5 Mei antara Brussels dan Mechelen. It was the first railway in continental Europe. Ini adalah kereta api pertama di benua Eropa.
- 1836, July 21 - First Railway in Canada ; it was a 16 mile run between La Prairie, Quebec and Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec . 1836, 21 Juli - Pertama Kereta Api di Kanada; itu adalah 16 mil berjalan antara La Prairie, Quebec dan Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec.
- 1837 The first Cuban railway line connects Havana with Bejucal , in 1838 the line reaches Güines . Kuba pertama 1837 rel kereta api menghubungkan Havana dengan Bejucal, pada tahun 1838 mencapai garis Güines. This is also the first railway in Latin America and the Iberian world in general. Ini juga merupakan kereta api pertama di Amerika Latin dan dunia pada umumnya Iberia.
- 1837 Leipzig–Dresden Railway Company opens the first long-distance German railway line connects Leipzig with Althen near Wurzen , in 1839 the line reaches Dresden . 1837 Leipzig-Dresden Perusahaan Kereta Api membuka jarak jauh pertama Jerman rel kereta api menghubungkan Leipzig dengan Althen dekat Wurzen, pada tahun 1839 mencapai garis Dresden.
- 1837 The first Austrian railway line connects Vienna with Wagram , in 1839 the line reaches Brno . 1837 pertama menghubungkan jalur kereta api Austria Wina dengan Wagram, pada tahun 1839 mencapai garis Brno.
- 1837 The first rail line in Russia connects Tsarskoye Selo and Saint Petersburg . 1837 jalur rel pertama di Rusia menghubungkan Selo Tsarskoye dan Saint Petersburg.
- 1837 The first line in France opens between Le Pecq near the former royal town of Saint-Germain-en-Laye and Embarcadère des Bâtignoles (later to become Gare Saint-Lazare ) Baris pertama 1837 di Perancis terbuka antara Le Pecq dekat bekas kota kerajaan Saint-Germain-en-Laye dan Embarcadère des Bâtignoles (kemudian menjadi Gare Saint-Lazare)
- 1837 Robert Davidson built the first electric locomotive 1837 Robert Davidson dibangun pertama lokomotif listrik
- 1838 Edmondson railway ticket introduced. 1838 Edmondson tiket kereta api diperkenalkan.
- 1839 The first railway in Kingdom of the Two Sicilies , Italy, from Naples to Portici. 1839 kereta api pertama di Kerajaan Dua Sisilia, Italia, dari Napoli ke Portici.
- 1839 The first rail line in the Netherlands connects Amsterdam and Haarlem . 1839 jalur rel pertama di Belanda menghubungkan Amsterdam dan Haarlem.
- 1844 The first rail line in Congress Poland is built between Warsaw and Pruszków . 1844 jalur rel pertama di Kongres Polandia yang dibangun antara Warsawa dan Pruszków.
The first Atmospheric Railway, the Dalkey Atmospheric Railway opened for passenger service between Kingstown & Dalkey in Ireland . Kereta Api atmosfer yang pertama, yang Dalkey atmosfer Kereta Api dibuka untuk layanan penumpang antara Kingstown & Dalkey di Irlandia. The line was 3 km in length & operated for 10 years. Jalur ini 3 km dengan panjang & beroperasi selama 10 tahun. - 1845 The first railway line built in Jamaica opened on November 21. 1845 rel kereta api pertama dibangun di Jamaika dibuka pada 21 November. The line ran 15 miles from Kingston to Spanish Town. Garis berlari 15 mil dari Kingston ke Bahasa Spanyol Town. It was also the first rail line to be built in any of Britain's colonies. Itu juga jalur rel pertama akan dibangun di salah satu koloni Britania. The Earl of Elgin, Jamaica's Governor presided over the opening ceremonies, by the late 1860s the line extended 105 miles to Montego Bay. Earl of Elgin, Jamaika Gubernur memimpin upacara pembukaan, pada akhir 1860-an baris diperpanjang 105 mil ke Montego Bay.
- 1846 James McConnell met with George Stephenson and Archibald Slate at Bromsgrove . 1846 James McConnell bertemu dengan George Stephenson dan Archibald Slate di Bromsgrove. It was at this meeting that the idea of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers came about. Pada pertemuan ini bahwa ide dari Lembaga of Mechanical Engineers terjadi.
- 1847 First train in Switzerland, the Limmat, on the Spanisch-Brotli-Bahn Railway line. Kereta Pertama 1847 di Swiss, Limmat, di Spanisch-Brotli-Bahn jalur Kereta Api.
- 1851 First train in British India, built by British invention and administration. Kereta Pertama 1851 di British India, yang dibangun oleh British penemuan dan administrasi.
- 1852 The first railway in Africa, in Alexandria , Egypt . 1852 kereta api pertama di Afrika, di Alexandria, Mesir.
- 1853 Passenger train makes in debut in Bombay , India 1853 penumpang kereta api membuat dalam debut di Bombay, India
- 1853 Indianapolis ' Union Station , the first " union station ", opened by the Terre Haute and Richmond Railroad , Madison and Indianapolis Railroad , and Bellefontaine Railroad in the United States. 1853 Indianapolis 'Union Station, yang pertama "persatuan stasiun", dibuka oleh Terre Haute dan Richmond Railroad, Madison dan Indianapolis Kereta Api, dan Bellefontaine Kereta Api di Amerika Serikat.
- 1854 The first railway in Brazil , inaugurated by Peter II of Brazil on April 30th in Rio de Janeiro , built by the Viscount of Maua . [ 13 ] 1854 kereta api pertama di Brasil, diresmikan oleh Peter II dari Brasil pada tanggal 30 April di Rio de Janeiro, dibangun oleh Viscount dari Maua. [13]
- 1854 The first railway in Norway . 1854 kereta api pertama di Norwegia. Between Oslo and Eidsvoll . Antara Oslo dan Eidsvoll.
- 1854 First railway in Australia. 1854 Pertama kereta api di Australia. Horse-drawn line from Goolwa to Port Elliot, South Australia. Garis yang ditarik kuda dari Goolwa ke Port Elliot, Australia Selatan.
- 1854 First steam drawn railway in Australia. 1854 ditarik kereta api uap pertama di Australia. Melbourne to Hobson's Bay, Victoria. Melbourne ke Hobson's Bay, Victoria.
- 1854 The first line in Chile, from Copiapó to Caldera , in Chile . Baris pertama 1854 di Chili, dari Copiapo ke Caldera, di Chili.
- 1855 the Panama Railway with over 50 miles (80 km) of track is completed after five years of work across the Isthmus of Panama at a cost of about $8,000,000 dollars and over 6,000 lives—the first ' transcontinental railway '. 1855 di Panama Kereta Api dengan lebih dari 50 mil (80 km) dari lagu tersebut selesai setelah lima tahun bekerja di seluruh Tanah Genting Panama pada biaya sekitar $ 8.000.000 dolar dan lebih dari 6.000 nyawa-pertama 'benua kereta api'.
- 1856 The first railway in Papal State , Italy, from Rome to Frascati . 1856 kereta api pertama di Negara Kepausan, Italia, dari Roma ke Frascati.
- 1856 First railway completed in Portugal , linking Lisbon to Carregado . Kereta api selesai 1856 Pertama di Portugal, menghubungkan Lisbon untuk Carregado.
- 1857 Steel rails first used in Britain. 1857 Steel rel pertama kali digunakan di Britania.
- 1857 The first railway in Argentina , built by Ferrocarril del Oeste between Buenos Aires and Flores, a distance of 10 km, was opened to the public on August 30. 1857 kereta api pertama di Argentina, yang dibangun oleh Ferrocarril del Oeste antara Buenos Aires dan Flores, dengan jarak 10 km, dibuka untuk umum pada 30 Agustus.
- 1858 Henri Giffard invented the injector for steam locomotives 1858 Henri Giffard menemukan injector untuk lokomotif uap
- 1862 The Warsaw – Saint Petersburg Railway is opened 1862 The Warsawa - Saint Petersburg Railway dibuka
- 1863 First London underground subways opened in London. 1863 Pertama di bawah tanah London, kereta bawah tanah di London dibuka. It was powered by steam engines. Hal ini didukung oleh mesin uap.
- 1863 Scotsman Robert Francis Fairlie invents the Fairlie locomotive with pivoted driving bogies , allowing trains to negotiate tighter curves in the track. 1863 Skotlandia Robert Francis Fairlie menciptakan yang Fairlie mengemudi lokomotif dengan berputar bogi, memungkinkan kereta untuk bernegosiasi kurva ketat dalam lagu tersebut. This innovation proves rare for steam locomotives but is the model for most future diesel and electric locomotives. Inovasi ini jarang membuktikan lokomotif uap tetapi model masa depan bagi sebagian besar diesel dan lokomotif listrik.
- 1865 Pullman sleeping car introduced in the USA. 1865 Pullman mobil tidur diperkenalkan di Amerika Serikat.
- 1869 The First Transcontinental Railroad (North America) completed across the United States from Omaha, Nebraska to Sacramento, California . 1869 Yang Pertama Transcontinental Kereta Api (Amerika Utara) selesai di seluruh Amerika Serikat dari Omaha, Nebraska untuk Sacramento, California. Built by Central Pacific and Union Pacific . Dibangun oleh Pasifik Tengah dan Union Pacific.
- 1869 George Westinghouse establishes the Westinghouse Air Brake Company in the United States. 1869 George Westinghouse menetapkan Westinghouse Air Brake Perusahaan di Amerika Serikat.
- 1872 The Midland Railway put in a third-class coach on its trains. 1872 The Midland Kereta Api ditempatkan di kelas tiga pelatih pada kereta api.
- 1875 Midland Railway introduces eight and twelve wheeled bogie coaches. 1875 Midland Kereta Api memperkenalkan delapan dan dua belas roda bogie pelatih.
- 1877 Vacuum brakes are invented in the United States. 1877 Vacuum rem yang ditemukan di Amerika Serikat.
- 1879 First electric railway demonstrated at the Berlin Trades Fair. 1879 mendemonstrasikan kereta api listrik pertama di Berlin Trades Fair.
- 1881 First public electric railway opened in Germany. 1881 Pertama kereta api listrik publik dibuka di Jerman. One of the first railway lines in the Middle East was built between Tehran and Rayy in Iran . Salah satu jalur kereta api pertama di Timur Tengah dibangun antara Teheran dan Rayy di Iran.
- 1882 Lavatories introduced on Great Northern Railway coaches in Britain Wc diperkenalkan pada 1882 Great Northern Railway pelatih di Britania
- 1882, the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway connected Atchison, Kansas with the Southern Pacific Railroad at Deming, New Mexico , thus completing a second transcontinental railroad in the US. 1882, Atchison, Topeka dan Santa Fe Kereta Api terhubung Atchison, Kansas dengan Pasifik Selatan Railroad di Deming, New Mexico, dengan demikian menyelesaikan benua kedua kereta api di Amerika Serikat.
- 1883 Southern Pacific Railroad linked New Orleans, Louisiana with Los Angeles, California thus completing the third US transcontinental railroad. 1883 Southern Pacific Railroad menghubungkan New Orleans, Louisiana dengan Los Angeles, California dengan demikian menyelesaikan ketiga benua Amerika kereta api.
- 1883 The Northern Pacific Railway,links Chicago, Illinois with Seattle, Washington --the fourth US transcontinental railroad. 1883 The Northern Pacific Railway, link Chicago, Illinois dengan Seattle, Washington - Amerika keempat kereta api lintas benua.
- 1885 The Canadian Pacific Railway is completed 5 years ahead of schedule, the longest single railway of its time, which links the eastern and western provinces of Canada. 1885 The Canadian Pacific Railway selesai 5 tahun lebih cepat dari jadwal, kereta api tunggal terpanjang pada masanya, yang menghubungkan timur dan barat provinsi di Kanada.
- 1888 Frank Sprague installs the "trolleypole" trolley system in Richmond, Virginia , making it the first working electric street railway . 1888 Frank Sprague menginstal "trolleypole" troli sistem di Richmond, Virginia, membuat listrik kerja pertama jalan kereta api.
- 1890 First electric London Underground railway (subway) opened in London—all other subway systems soon followed suit. Listrik 1890 Pertama London Underground kereta api (kereta bawah tanah) dibuka di London-semua sistem kereta bawah tanah yang lain segera mengikutinya.
- 1891 Construction begins on the 9,313 km (5,787 mile) long Trans-Siberian railway in Russia. Konstruksi dimulai pada 1891 dengan 9.313 km (5.787 mil) panjang kereta api Trans-Siberia di Rusia. Construction completed in 1904. Webb C. Ball establishes first Railway Watch official guidelines for Railroad chronometers . Konstruksi selesai pada tahun 1904. Webb C. Ball Watch Kereta Api pertama menetapkan pedoman resmi untuk Kereta Api kronometer.
- 1893 The Great Northern Railway linked St. 1893 The Great Northern Railway terhubung St Paul, Minnesota to Seattle—the fifth US transcontinental railroad. Paul, Minnesota ke Seattle-kelima benua Amerika kereta api.
- 1895 Japan's first electrified railway opens in Kyoto . 1895 Jepang kereta api listrik pertama dibuka di Kyoto.
- 1895 First mainline electrification on the Baltimore Belt Line of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Utama Pertama 1895 elektrifikasi di Baltimore Belt Line dari Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
- 1899 The first Korean railway line connects Noryangjin ( Seoul ) with Jemulpo ( Incheon ). 1899 pertama korea rel kereta api menghubungkan Noryangjin (Seoul) dengan Jemulpo (Incheon).
- 1899 Tokyo 's first electric railway, the predecessor to Keihin Electric Express Railway opens. 1899 Tokyo 's kereta api listrik pertama, pendahulu untuk Keihin Electric Express Railway terbuka.
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